Emergency Department
15-hour days. Full waiting rooms. Dozens of speedy patient consults. Emergency Department doctors face a slew of exhausting demands every day. Inputting documentation is among the most time consuming. And it's responsible for so much doctor burnout, studies have shown that physicians can spend up to 2 hours in documentation for every hour spent with patients.
Connect with UsOptimize Your ED with a Scribe Strategy.
Every Emergency Department is unique. Scribes you bring onto your team will adapt to the needs of the department. Your scribe team can be the size you want, work the shifts you need, and use your electronic medical record system. Scribes offset productivity losses stemming from the time consuming, click intensive nature of the EMR. With you in the trauma bay, scribes update the EMR in real time, so patients’ acute needs are the main focus, not a computer screen.
And for patients who treat the emergency room as a primary care facility, the Improved efficiency with scribes help to right-size your care teams to reduce wait times and Left Without Being Seen (LWBS). Getting the population you serve the precision care they need and the unparalled support your care team deserves.
Contact Business DevelopmentHow it Works
Our team, led by an emergency physician, conducts an analysis and provides the roadmap for a balanced ED with scribes.
ED scribes are available for around-the-clock coverage and are trained to:
- Document Triage Notes to the Highest Level of Specificity
- Request Provider Feedback for Chart Approval
- Assist with Comfort Rounding
- Work with Nursing Staff to Prepare Discharge Information

With a medical scribe embedded within the care team, you will reduce inefficient documentation and improve clinical data capture for accurate billing.
- Capture information at the point of care.
- Identify unique patients for specialized care.

Our process ensures scribes are ready for the non-stop ED environment.
- Step 1: Demanding classroom training
- Step 2: Training Shift with senior level scribes
- Step 3: Continuous and Regular Reassesment

The Advanced Scribe Training Program
Approximately 120 hours per scribe

Case Studies
Provide Quality Care with Medical Scribes.