Case Study: Private Urgent Care Conglomerate Seeks Improved Documentation

A large urgent care is growing, and fast. Managing 200+ locations over seven states, they don’t have the time or resources to continue managing their own scribe team at scale. Hiring, scheduling, and training additional staff has become too large of an undertaking. As they struggle to keep up with documentation, they experience backlog and challenge E/M levels.
Speke by ScribeAmerica is an artificial clinical intelligence that not only instantly generates a note, but the technology also helps providers prepare for encounters with pre-charting. The urgent care leverages Speke and highly qualified scribes from ScribeAmerica to asynchronously document clinical encounters to their exact documentation standards. With the success of the program comes growth. Every year Speke is put in the hands of more providers, reducing documentation backlogs and giving more time back to providers.

Download the full case study to see how this health system managed nearly 150,000 notes with Speke.