Solving Provider Burnout & Patient Capacity with Ambient AI Scribing

With staffing shortages and provider burnout on the rise, clinicians need innovative solutions that shift them away from the computer and back to the bedside. That led KLAS to write the Emerging Technology Spotlight to validate the experiences of healthcare organizations using Speke.
From ScribeAmerica, the nation’s leading medical scribe company, Speke is an ambient AI scribe that seamlessly integrates into providers’ workflow so they can decrease time spent on EHR documentation and more time spent with their patients. With ScribeAmerica scribes “in the loop,” notes are completed accurately, efficiently and on time.

Customer Feedback

“ScribeAmerica’s Speke product is very nice because I can turn it on, perform a patient visit, and capture the entire visit. When I want to add anything not mentioned during the encounter, I just speak into Speke. We don’t have to dictate. It is very unique. It puts things into words, and then all I do is edit the note if anything needs edits.” —Physician