Next-Generation Medical Scribe Support for the Digital Age
Medical scribes strengthen the capacity for emergency medicine care teams to deliver significant results, and fulfill the minute-to-minute needs of ED patients. With specialized training, our scribes solve the right problems, at the right time. From optimizing EMR documentation, to comfort rounding on patients, scribes enhance patient safety, promote greater job satisfaction for providers, and improve revenue cycles.

The skills and coding knowledge of hospitalist scribes is another of the specialty areas that lead to heightened efficiency and better inpatient experiences. It’s possible to decrease the time it takes to admit and round while increasing revenue through more detailed documentation.

Across 100 specialties and subspecialties, our outpatient programs thrive on pairing physicians with scribes knowledgeable about population health data as well as the unique needs of each provider. Outpatient scribes form distinctive bonds with providers, connections that enhance the patient experience of care.

If urgent care centers exist to augment the efficiency of entire health systems, medical scribes with this customized expertise further add to the productivity equation. They also improve workflow by locating data, facilitating communication among caregivers, and performing other ancillary duties that increase satisfaction – both for providers and patients.

Providers with limited space or in need of increased privacy on behalf of their patients have valuable documentation support through our real-time video TeleScribe program. Healthcare sites in rural settings also benefit from our unrivaled offsite resource for optimized efficiency and tackling administrative burdens.