Speke, the first true ambient documentation solution.

With traditional dictation tools, you are still stuck behind a computer, dedicating a portion of your day dictating your medical notes. While it may be a step up from traditional typing, it still takes you away from time with your patients…or heading home to your family at a reasonable hour.

Technology has evolved to offer a better option than dictation. With Speke, you can enjoy accurate and reliable documentation while spending more meaningful time with your patients. Speke is a true ambient solution – that is, it seamlessly works in the background while you enjoy a normal conversation with your patients. No dictation, and no clunky keywords, such as “hey device, document this…”

Speke uses machine learning to capture and process your note, supported and monitored by the help of trained medical scribes. Your note is accurately documented directly into your EHR. Other than a brief review and sign off, you no longer have to spend your time stuck behind a computer. Instead, spend time with those that matter most – your patients.

Pound-for-pound, dictation just can’t match up to Speke.

Sound the Bell: Speke Beats Dictation, Round After Round

Speke uses machine learning to deliver a hassle-free documentation assistant on your mobile phone. While the technology is sophisticated, the experience is simple and hassle-free. With Speke, it’s not even a fair fight.

Seamless vs. Sequential: With dictation, you have to take time to dictate after each encounter. With Speke, you can simply set your phone aside and let your ambient digital assistant do the rest. Speke documents seamlessly in the background, so you can spend more time with your patients and leave the office at a reasonable time.


Freeform vs. Structured: “…period…next line, next line…next section…” Dictation requires cumbersome prompts and rigid structure. With Speke, you chat with you patients as normal while sophisticated machine learning parses out the relevant details for you and documents your encounter directly in the EHR.


Scribed-backed vs. Automation only: Medical scribes work on the backend to support accurate, quality documentation. In fact, Speke has a feedback loop so they can ping you when additional information or clarification is needed. With dictation, providers carry that responsibility on their own.


On-the-go vs. Tethered: Since Speke is available on your mobile phone, you have hassle-free documentation at your fingertips, wherever you go. You don’t have to worry about a computer and dictation setup. Whether you’re hopping from room to room at an individual facility, or work at multiple sites, Speke is always with you.

How Speke Works

Speke provides a hassle-free, truly ambient experience that puts reliable documentation at your fingertips in a matter of seconds.

Step 1: Open the Speke App and Begin Your Encounter
Step 1: Open the Speke App and Begin Your Encounter
Simply log into the Speke app and view your patients for the day. Select your current patient from the list (or a new patient can be added) and you’re ready to begin your encounter.
Step 2: Enjoy a Normal Conversation with Your Patient
Step 2: Enjoy a Normal Conversation with Your Patient
At the touch of a button, your session begins and you can simply set your phone aside. With Speke, simply talk to your patient normally and Speke does the rest. You can add notes after your encounter if you would like.
Step 3: Documentation is Completed Accurately and Quickly
Step 3: Documentation is Completed Accurately and Quickly
Medical Scribes document your encounter in the EMR. Simply sign in and review. With scribes behind your documentation, you have highly skilled documentation specialists checking for quality and alerting you when additional information is needed.